Tonight on NBC their new show Running With Bear Grylls airs with an all-new Monday, May 21, season 4 episode 3 called, “Lena Headey” and we’ve got your Running Wild with Bear Grylls recap down below. On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis,“Bear takes Lena Headey on the ride of her life as they paramotor deep into the Spanish wilderness. Continuing on foot, they traverse a towering, razor-thin ridge before a dead-end forces a harrowing rappel. After securing a dinner of bone marrow from a goat carcass, the two must cross a lake using a makeshift raft as an unexpected storm wreaks havoc. As they battle the elements, Lena discusses life on “Game of Thrones,” her rise to stardom, and her battle to overcome depression.”
So make sure to come back for our Running with Bear Grylls recap between 10 PM and 11 PM ET! While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Bear Grylls recaps, spoilers and more, right here.
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Lena Headey joined the adventurous traveler on tonight’s all-new episode of “Running Wild with Bear Grylls”.
Nothing ever truly prepares the stars for Bear. Bear usually left the stars with vague instructions and tonight Lena was told to just drive on a road until Bear finds her, however, Lena never thought she would see Bear coming out of the sky. He had used a Paraflyer to find her on the road and he landed long enough to strap her in. Lena wasn’t a fan of heights or flying and so using a paraflyer was new for her. She had been nervous the whole time about getting in and then flying around, so she hadn’t been comfortable again until they landed. She thought that would be that and was left a little apprehensive when she noticed that he was taking it with them. Lena had actually felt better about the next place they visited than the fact he took the paraflyer.
The two began their travels by visited an old structure in the Iberian Peninsula and the place was legendary. Many believed it was haunted and it hadn’t fazed Lena in the slightest. She had the added the benefit of playing some of Hollywood fiercest roles in television and film and so she had no plan with suggesting they close the door to the little enclave they were in. She could see that Bear was a tad nervous and had laughed at him when he practically ran back to the door. But Lena also tends to laugh when she’s nervous and so there was never a moment when she wasn’t laughing. She started laughing following the haunted cave when she noticed that Bear wanted to cross the river using the mountain’s edge.
It wasn’t even a full mountain. It was like there was once a mountain and someone left behind only the edge of it. So the two of them had had to use the rope to get over the edge though unfortunately, the edge wouldn’t fully carry them across. It stopped midway and so they had to scale down the mountain edge. There wasn’t anything to tie the rope on and the two had to make do with a mere bush. Lena tested the bush that looked like it had been there forever and she didn’t think it was sturdy while Bear said it would have to do. He tied her to him and they slowly scale down the mountain edge. And the reason they had to go slowly is that there were many starts and stops that set them back.
Lena hadn’t been kidding when she said she was afraid of heights. She had looked down when they weren’t supposed to and she hadn’t been alone. Bear had had to look down at one point as well and the ride down had been uncomfortable because he said his nuts were in a horrible position, so that too got Lena laughing. She was still laughing about Bear and his nuts when they safely made it to the ground. They then went down near the water where they came across a goat carcass. It had been nearly eaten by vultures and Bear still believed it was fresh enough to make dinner later that night. He had no problem with eating bone marrow of a goat’s knee (that is if it has knees) and did his best to convince Lena that it would be great.
Lena still hadn’t wanted the goat carcass put in her backpack and so it had been a bit of a struggle. She eventually agreed to carry it and had put in her bag, but then the two of them went down to the water. The water was called and it was quite a jump to reach it. Lena was thankfully a good swimmer and so she had no problem with jumping right in. Its just the water was a lot colder than she thought and that caught her by surprise. Lena had had to swim across without her bag because it impeded her swimming and other than that she had been fine. She and Bear hiked around the mountain and had found a place to stay the night. It had offered great coverage and Lena had been happy with it until she saw the spiders.
Spiders were one of the few things she was truly afraid of and unfortunately, their entire campsite had been crawling with them, so Lena had a hard time getting comfortable. She waited until Bear cleared the area before settling down to eat and so that’s when she remembered what they were having for dinner. They had bone marrow from a goat and it hadn’t been all that bad. Lena said it tasted like breast implant and other than that it made do. The eat their bone marrow and later on Bear was woken up in the middle of the night because Lena had had a few questions. She wanted to know if spiders could eat their way through the parachute that was covering them and he informed her that while they couldn’t eat their way through, they could climb their way through.
Bear also added that they wouldn’t climb in. He had hope that would put Lena at ease and it didn’t. She still thought about the spiders and was still concerned the next morning. The two woke up to a rainy day and to make matters worse Bear said they had to make their own raft to go down a river. He said they build a rift easy enough with the many branches nearby and it had looked easy enough when they built a raft with a few branches and their parachute. They created something Lena called “Spider-Island” and together they rowed down a river to their next location. It hadn’t been easy and they still needed to hike some, only they got to talking. Lena had been very open about her depression, her divorce, and even some of the fans.
There had been a lot of times when she had been left disheartened and the fact that she was still standing was amazing. Bear thought Lena was tough and so he asked her to jump into the water just one more time because he knew she could do it. She hadn’t wanted to do it, but she did and they swam their way to the extraction point where Lena very happily left behind the wild!