Everyone was shocked to see rapper Akon dry-humping a hapless 14 year-old girl (some reports list her age as 15, not that it’s any more excusable) at a concert in Trinidad in mid April. The video quickly hit the net, and Akon is shown aggressively simulating sex with the girl on stage, who was let into the concert underage and was led to believe she won a dance contest for a free trip to Africa. It turns out the prize was public humiliation.
The girl is the daughter of a minister, and she says she’s sorry that she went to the concert and that she was hurt by the rapper:
I got carried away, I started to dance as well, but I never thought it was going to be like that,” Danah Alleyne told the Trinidad Express. “I was shocked. My head was hitting the floor.
Akon’s corporate sponsors Verizon, who are sponsoring the tour he opens with Gwen Stefani, have severed all ties with the show and refuse to be associated with such controversy.
They have also pulled ads for Akon off their mobile phone service.
Representatives for Verizon would not explain why they stopped sponsoring the Stefani/Akon tour, but it’s not that much of a stretch to assume it’s because of Akon’s simulated rape.
Akon is a Senagalese American, and his father back in the west African nation of Senegal has four wives, all of which he considered his mother. He said in an interview with a radio station that he also has multiple women in his Atlanta household, but he took that back in an interview with Vibe magazine, and said that he just has several girlfriends and they don’t all live with him. Akon has spent a total of five years in jail on various convictions, and was once a drug dealer.
According to Wikipedia, Akon owns a diamond mine in South Africa. When asked about conflict diamonds, he said “I don’t even believe in conflict diamonds. That’s just a movie. Think about it. Ain’t nobody thought about nothing about no conflict diamonds until the movie came out.”
Maybe if this happened in the states this guy would be slapped with a huge civil and criminal lawsuit and would have to pay millions to that girl’s family as well as attend sexual harrassment education classes and therapy. As it is, he’s living large and has so far just lost a sponsorship for such a despicable act. Hopefully his entire career will be affected.
Here’s the video of Akon violating that girl: