You know, when it comes to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, I never know what to think. On the one hand, it’s clear that there’s a lot of unfinished business between them. On the other, you can’t help but get the feeling that the Biebz is a stage 5 clinger. You know, the desperate ex-boyfriend who always calls you to say he misses you, and wants to get back together with you. Even when you go on national news and make fun of him. And then he gets a tattoo of your face! Ok, that hasn’t happened to me. But it’s just happened to Selena Gomez.
X17 Online reports that one of Justin’s new tattoos, the one of an angel, bears an eerie resemblance to Selena Gomez’s face. To be fair to Justin, it also looks like any other female with long, dark hair. Except Justin’s pretty obvious when it comes to his tattoos, and this seems to be a way for him to show his commitment to Selena.
What will Selena’s reaction be when she sees/hears about this tattoo? Well, I think we’d all pay a good chunk of money for her to be shown the picture on national television. Quick, Ryan Seacrest!
Anyway, either she knows about it or she doesn’t. If she knows about it – well, that’s a sign that they’re going to get back together for real. If she doesn’t know about it – well I can imagine she’s not going to be too happy when she finds out, especially if she’s only using Justin for flings. There’s also another alternative, and the most probable – Selena knows about it, and she just doesn’t give a damn. We all know that she’s using JB for publicity. Think about it – is it a coincident that she got back together with Justin in a highly public venue just when she’s promoting her new single? Selena and Justin together -> publicity goes into overdrive -> by extension, people talk about Selena’s new single ‘Come and Get it.’
But you gotta feel sorry for the Biebz here, despite his inability to let Selena go. His public image has been thrashed since his breakup with Selena, and he’s been spiraling downwards ever since then. It’s pretty clear that the breakup tore him up, and considering that she hardly seems to care – you do have to feel pity for him. Just a little. Which will probably go away as soon as you remember how much money he makes.
Justin Bieber and a friend dance their way out of his hotel and all the way onto his tour bus as he leaves for his last concert in Stockholm, Sweden on April 24, 2013. Fans chased after his drug and stun gun laden tour bus as it headed off for the concert venue
Photo Credit: FameFlynet
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