Tonight on TNT Animal Kingdom returns with an all-new Sunday, August 21, 2022 episode and we have your Animal Kingdom recap below. On tonight’s Animal Kingdom season 6 episode 12 called, “Exodus” as per the TNT synopsis,“Pope offers information on a cold case in exchange for a prison transfer. Deran says goodbye to the bar, J makes plans with Penny, and Craig chooses Renn and Nick. Smurf learns Julia has been dishonest.”
Tonight’s episode of Animal Kingdom looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Animal Kingdom recap at 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the return of season 6 of Animal Kingdom.
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Tonight’s Animal Kingdom episode begins with J visiting Julia’s grave. Then, Pope spills the beans to the DA, he says he has been a professional thief his whole life and says he stole whatever he could whenever he could. His lawyer says he is seeking a deal, his testimony on a number of opened cases for a transfer to a facility where his physical safety can be guaranteed. He has reason to fear for his life, and with his testimony, they may close a dozen open cases. Pope says, “there is another body,” Colby Bennett who tried to shake him down, so he shot him in the face and buried up on 76, is tough to describe, but he could show them.
Craig is on the phone with Renn, she wants him to bring some of their son’s stuff.
Deran and J are getting firepower ready, Craig asks if they will need that much. J tells them that Pope has a meeting with the DA. Deran asks if he is still going on about Baz going to see him and trying to change his mind. J says it doesn’t matter, his mind is changed. Deran tells them that Billy’s guy is legit, he works for logistics in corrections, he handles prisoner’s routes. They have to trust Billy’s guy, Craig doesn’t like it.
We go back to Smurf, she finds out that someone is shorting her.
Deran goes to the bar, opens the safe, and takes everything out, then takes a long look around.
The Cody boys sign all the papers to liquidate all their funds, Penny knows the truth, they are selling everything and splitting the proceeds.
Pope is at the site where he buried the body, with Bill the DA and his lawyer who advises him about a little less chatter. They find the body, Bill says they will start getting his protective custody, but he is never getting out.
Craig made the arrangements for three vehicles, they are ready and gassed up for them.
Julia arrives home and Andrew is there, she shows him a dress she bought. He tells her that Smurf is in her room. Julia goes into her room and Smurf is there and asks how much she stole. Smurf tells her that she can have what she wants, her freedom, and get out of her house. Julia says fine, Smurf grabs the car keys and the two get into a scuffle, Smurf hits Julia and calls her names, then grabs her by the hair and drags her outside the gate while Andrew watches, and Julia shouts that she hates her.
J goes to see Penny and she says things seemed tense with his uncles. She asks him why he is liquidating all of his assets. He tells him that he and his uncles are splitting up, they need to get away from each other, he never really felt comfortable working for them, they don’t respect him and they don’t like him. He says he is going to the Virgin Islands. She reminds him that she just left her husband and moved in with him. She calls him an asshole. He wants her with him, she says she can’t just leave, she has her job and her friends. He begs her to say yes and then says he loves her.
Craig and Deran check the vehicles, they seem alright.
Smurf shows up at Baz’s place, she asks him how he is liking the house, he says it is great. She asks him if he wants to keep it, then asks how much Julia was giving him because she was skimming. He says he didn’t take a piece, he swears it. Smurf says she is gone, she is not welcome in her house anymore and she is not welcome in this house anymore, ever. She calls him a beautiful boy and kisses him on the lips.
Deran, Craig, and J are in the backyard mapping out the breakout.
Smurf returns home and makes Andrew something to eat, he asks her what is going to happen to Julia, and she says it is up to her.
Pope gets a visit from J in prison, he brings him some photographs. Pope tells him that the DA agreed to a deal. Inside one of the photos was a tracking chip for Pope, just in case.
Deran and Craig are done surfing and Craig tells him the happiest he has ever seen him was when he and Adrien moved in together, he should find him.
Julia shows up at Baz’s place and asks to come in inside, he lets her. She tells him that Smurf kicked her out, and took everything, she has nothing and she is scared. She asks him if she can crash there, and he says no, she can’t stay there, Smurf came by. She kicked her out and imagine what she will do if she finds out she is there. Baz says he will look after Pope but she has to go. He reaches in his pocket and gives her some cash but she won’t take it and says he is worthless and she loved him, so she leaves.
J goes to see Penny and says he changed one thing on the document, where it says he has temporary control, to permanent control. She says she can’t change it because it is a legally notarized document. He goes on to say that his uncles are criminals, all three of them are. That is why they have to leave, they want to murder him too, he is just a loose end.
Julia is homeless, a guy named Thorpe recognizes her, he is a friend of Baz. He tells her she doesn’t look good but he has something to make her feel better, he opens a case with needles, but she says it is not her thing. He tells her if she needs a place she can go to his place, they are ordering pizza. She follows him.
Pope makes an incision and puts the tracker inside him. Craig calls Renn, she says she is sorry for freaking out but it has just been a lot. He tells her they are all set up with 1.3 and he is sorry he couldn’t bring stuff but there is an upside, he wants to marry her in Thailand on an elephant. She says yes.
Penny and J are making out, he tells her soon they will have a lot of time together, then he tells her again that he loves her and to start packing.
Deran tells Craig they moving Pope tomorrow. J gets a message from Deran asking where he is, but he ignored it.
Smurf is sitting with Andrew watching TV when the phone rings, it is April, a friend of Julia, she found her on the beach and she is really messed up, she thinks she is on something if she wants to pick her up. Smurf says she doesn’t want to pick her up and she should call someone who gives a shit.
April goes back to Julia and tells her that she needs to go to the hospital but Julia is incoherent.
Pope’s tracker is working, J walks in and says he was at Penny’s house, it is hard to say goodbye. Deran and Craig invite him for a beer but he says no, he is going to sleep. J goes inside and goes into the account that has over 5 million in it, he transfers the whole amount to an account. The transfer is complete, the is only ten dollars left in the other account.
Pope is being transferred, he gets on the bus and is leaving the gates of the prison with a police escort behind him.